Many parents wonder how to motivate a lazy student to study. The child that lacks motivation can often find the best excuses to procrastinate. Therefore, the end up never studying for that big test or completed homework on time. While this can be rather frustrating for parents, this is a challenge that many parents have to figure out. An unmotivated child or a child who procrastinates can happen by chance. This type of behavior could run in your family. Or, your child may be dealing with something in their personal life that is distracting them from completing their work. Whatever the reason for their laziness, it is up to you to help them figure out a way to be more productive.
Here are a few tips that will help you motivate a lazy student to study regularly and start getting better grades in school.
How do you Motivate a Lazy Student to Study?
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Make Studying Interesting To Motivate A Lazy Student
Students who appear lazy may not be lazy at all. These students may be bored or not interested in what’s taught in class. If a student has no interest in a particular subject, they won’t be highly motivated to study. Try to make the subject they are studying for entertaining. Then, they will start to show interest in studying for their next big exam. You know your child best. So, set up a routine for studying that appeals to your students’ personality.
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Give Specific, Honest Feedback
While it’s essential to give positive feedback, it’s also imperative that you provide specific honest feedback to your students. A lazy student may become more motivated if honest feedback helps them work on skills they lack. Be aware of the subjects your student struggles with. My son struggles with Social Studies, so when I look over his homework, the feedback I offer is always encouraging. Also, I show him ways he can improve. When your student completes their homework, or they complete a practice test, provide feedback that will ignite their inner strive to succeed or compete with themselves on the next exam.
Embrace Routine to Motivate A Lazy Student
There’s something about study routines that work well for any child. Having a regular study routine will help your students work harder when it becomes natural—completing homework with not seem like a chore. When my daughters were still in grade school, they knew as soon as they got home from school, it was time to do their homework—no cell phones. No television. No playing outside with friends until homework is complete. Embrace a method that works for your students. Also, make sure to include them as part of the decision process for this routine.
Encourage Competition
Many children thrive on competition. You may find that your lazy student needs a little competition to improve their study skills. Try making games out of vocabulary words or other academic subjects so your students can compete to see who can “win” the study game. Creating a game is a great way to get siblings to work together to study at home, as well.
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These are some of the best ways to motivate a lazy student to study. Take some time to review how your student works best. Perhaps you can evaluate their personality and find out what works best to motivate them. Please take this information and use it as a means to drive your student to stay on track with good study habits.